Freebies | Wallpapers
Desktops, laptops, etc., are all created for you to be inspired and feel the good vibes of life.
Desktop: Right-click, save images as or set Images as Desktop Backround.
Phone: Click and hold, save to Photos.
All photos are by bloomin BUCKET, aka Vic
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life? —Mary Oliver | Desktop/Laptop wallpaper | Fall 2023
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild & precious life? —Mary Oliver | Phone wallpaper | Fall 2023
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, Art is knowing which ones to keep. —Scott Adams | Desktop/Laptop wallpaper | Summer 2023
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes, Art is knowing which ones to keep. —Scott Adams | Desktop/Laptop wallpaper | Summer 2023
Let your beautiful light shine brightly | Desktop/Laptop wallpaper | Spring 2023
Let your beautiful light shine brightly | phone wallpaper | Spring 2023